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Ssangyong Actyon (2006-2011): COBRA bumper grille
Ssangyong Actyon since 2006 up to 2011: COBRA bumper grille   | stainless steel | incl. installation material |
199.74 € 63.23 € excluding VAT
75.24 € incl. 19% VAT 75.24 63.230000000000004 EUR
Ssangyong Actyon Sports since 2012: COBRA Front Protection Bar
Ssangyong Actyon Sports since 2012: COBRA Front Protection Bar   | Ø 60 mm tube | stainless steel mirror-chrome-plated | incl. installation material | incl. EC-Type-Approval
295.32 € excluding VAT
351.43 € incl. 19% VAT 351.43 295.32 EUR
Ssangyong Actyon since 2006: COBRA muffler
Ssangyong Actyon since 2006: COBRA muffler (left & right)   | stainless steel incl. EC-Type-Approval
464.29 € 239.30 € excluding VAT
284.77 € incl. 19% VAT 284.77 239.3 EUR
Ssangyong Kyron & Actyon since 2005: COBRA Side Protection Bars | with steps
Ssangyong Kyron & Actyon since 2005: COBRA Side Protection Bars (1 set)   | Ø 80 mm tubes | stainless steel mirror-chrome-plated with integrated steps | incl. installation material | incl. TUEV-Approval
464.29 € 192.07 € excluding VAT
228.56 € incl. 19% VAT 228.56 192.07 EUR